Take 5 minutes to read this true story. It’s heartwarming!

An older lady parked her scooter in front of the store, limped her way in and said “I WANT A WIG, I HOPE YOU CAN HELP.” She had female pattern baldness and was very thin on top.

I explained today’s wigs, and why there is such a BIG difference in prices. She was surprised how light & natural they looked.

Next we proceeded to the trying on room. I chose one that I knew would be perfect. I put it on her and her reaction was priceless, the look on her face said everything. She could not believe what she saw in the mirror and absolutely loved it. When I suggested trying on another she said: ” No! this is the one I want. I love it!”

I did convince her to try on at least one more and she agreed, but went right back to wanting the first one. “I WANT THE FIRST ONE. THAT IS THE ONE!

Before leaving, (with the wig on) she poured her heart out: “I have become a recluse and no longer go out because I felt so ashamed. I hated looking at myself and did not blame people for staring at my scalp. Many times, I have thought I should end it all by taking my life.

Something kept stopping me and a voice kept nagging me to “go to Wig Boutique.” I had been wanting to for a few years, but I thought wigs looked bad and I would probably look worse with a wig than being almost bald. There was a lady in my building that had been wearing one for years and it looked awful.

But today that little voice convinced me that I needed to do this. I got the courage to finally come here. I am so happy I did. I want you to know that you have SAVED my life.”

At Wig Boutique, many ladies say: “You have CHANGED my life” but no one had ever said : “You have SAVED my life.”  That day I knew for sure that opening up this business in Sudbury was the best thing I ever did professionally!

Hair is very important and  if one experiences hair loss or thinning,  it does not matter if we are 20 or 80 it is devastating.  Many ladies are ashamed, embarrassed, lose their self-esteem and self-confidence.

If this is you, or if you know someone going through this,  don’t put this off any longer. Book an appointment and if it’s a friend open the dialogue. Yes, it’s tough but you might be SAVING HER LIFE!  She may welcome the chance to share this with you.

Ask a simple question like “If you could change one thing about your hair, what would it be?” That will encourage her to open up and then the next step is to get her in to Wig Boutique.

We are not pushy. And there are times when a wig is not for everyone, but it makes us happy that the lady came in, got the facts on today’s wigs and tried some on.  Knowledge is key to making a decision.

Some insurances cover wigs or top pieces and it can be claimed on taxes. It’s a MEDICAL HAIR PROSTHESIS.  If finances is what is stopping you, we are here to help. We have 0% interest payment plans.

We will help you with the transition. We are professionals and coaching is part of the sale. We are with you every step of the way.

I will never forget this lady, every time I share her story, it warms my heart & I get teary eyed. Getting new hair SAVED her life!

If hair loss or thinning is causing you to feel stressed or anxious, please know you are not alone and that there are solutions.

this is a list of some reasons for hair loss. Click on any of them for more info. 







🔗TRICHOTILLOMANIA (hair pulling)


Contact us for a Free, one hour consultation. This will determine one or more solutions, possible financing and inform you on  coverage through insurance as well as income tax deductions.  Open tuesdays to saturdays with appointments from 9 to 3 and after hours when needed.


email [email protected]